Types of Plastic ID CARD PRINTING Machine
PVC Plastic ID Card Uses
Today plastic id cards are used for various purposes in different types of organizations, except for id cards, plastic PVC cards are in many ways like payment cards, privilege cards, door access cards, and safety devices. All these types of plastic id cards get printed by Thermal Printer & Inkjet Printers.
Educational Institutes, it is used as school id cards, employee id cards, library cards,
Corporate Offices use a bulk of employee id cards and attendance cards.
Hotel Industries as security devices, door access control cards, proximity cards, club member cards,
Financial Institution’s payments cards as well as debit cards and credit cards
Govt. Institutions issue Aadhaar cards, Pan cards, Voter Id cards, Ayushmaan cards, etc.
Today you might have seen Thermal Id Card Printers installed in corporate offices, as office admin can print instantly within a few minutes of new staff joining. Event management companies are not behind that required identity cards in huge numbers. The fastest id card printing machine is known as a Thermal Plastic ID Card Printing Machine.
Plastic ID Card Standard Size
Worldwide used smart identification card size is 54 mm x 85.73 mm thickness of 0.3mm with round corners. Mechanically, these plastics are both side printable with high-quality infographics that can adopt thermal transfer printing.
Different Types of PVC Card Printing Machines in India
Typically, there are 3 ways of making PVC Id Cards using 1. Thermal ID Printer 2. Plastic Fusing Machine.3. Inkjet Digital Id Card Printer
Each type of Plastic ID Card Quality has its pros and cons in terms of print quality, print ink lasting, price per unit perspective, etc.
Plastic id cards may be different perspectives used in the offices & daily personal life. such as IDENTICAL, SECURITY, and FINANCIAL PURPOSE so they might have plain, chip-based, or radio frequency types.
A thermal transfer printing machine prints smart cards in digital form of printing within a few seconds. thermal transfer printing is also known as an INSTANT PRINTING CARD/FAST CARD PRINTING method.
A blank smart card comes with a chip embedded, magstripe or without. Choose the best fit for your print project. If you are looking for a school id card or employee id card printing go for plain.
A smart card uses may be for financial, security, or personalized identification purposes but the print & materials are used of high quality and are long-lasting.
Monochrome Color | Multicolor Print | Inked Ribbon | RF Identity Card | Card Printing
1. Thermal ID Card Printer
In this application, cards get printed digitally, either by thermal transfer or inkjet printer. Direct printing on the Blank PVC Card (Thermal Printer and Inkjet Printer)
PVC Card Manufacturing Direct from Teslin Sheet (Manual Printing Machine)
It takes time hardly 1 minute to print on a card. Thermal printing application is the fastest & smudged free id card-making process. It does not require time to dry up because a ribbon (Reel of RGB color) is used for making Multicolor Smart PVC Card. It is a little bit costly compared to the inkjet process. The mechanism of a thermal printer is based on a colorful ribbon fusing onto the PVC card.
Thermal Transfer ID Card Printers do not require an ink tank or cartridge. It requires a ribbon (heat-sensitive paper) either monochrome or multi-color. The thermal transfer printer starts working when the printhead comes to contact with the ribbon (mono-chromic film or multi-color) over the blank cards. To get a printed smart card is necessary to contact the print head for the ribbon & cards. Here an ink ribbon (heat-proof film) plays a role of an ink carrier.
Sooner the printing command is sent to the digital thermal transfer printer, smart cards come underneath the ribbon, meanwhile, the printhead elements keep pressure & heat on the ribbon film, due to the ribbon containing heat sensitivity ink, starts melting & penetrate into the PVC card front layer and without spreading ink. Ink transferring on the PVC card is known as the SUBLIMATION TRANSFER PRINTING concept.
As the heated printhead passes onto the printable material in the moving position and the ready-to-use printed card comes out from the printer and used ribbon bindup again.
There is not enough moving mechanism in the thermal printer it is simple to use. Thermal printers do not have a chance to bleed ink on the printing materials. Once the ribbon is finished, it’s easy to replace within seconds.
Usually, ribbon cost goes higher so transfer thermal printer cost goes high and are lost for a long period of time.
Transfer thermal printers are highly used for SMART ID CARD PRINTING, etc.
The smart card may have a VEHICLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATION CARD, DRIVING LICENCE, PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER CARD, etc. Used plastic card materials are made of polyvinyl chloride components and have high heat protection capacity & unbreakable materials.
Buy the Best Thermal PVC Card Printer: Evolis, Fargo, Zebra & Datacard
Thermal ID Card Printer Working Principle
Thermal id card printers work as a digital form of printing with no required minimum qty. It required a thermal resin ribbon that works on sublimation printing technology on the substrate able to print single
A. Single-Side Printer: Single-side printers facilitate smart card printing at a time. Both side printing cards required insertion again to print on the backside.
B. Dual-Sided ID Card Printer: Dual-side printers make your ID card print front and back at a single pass.

Note: Thermal id card printer works the best on 100% polyester or polyester coated surface only.
2. Inkjet ID Card Printer
In this process, you need an Inkjet Printer with inkjet tanks C, Y, M, K, or C, Y, M, K, LM, and LC. A higher number of color tanks lead to better-quality printing. A digital Id file is burned through the software and a blank card is placed on the printer tray then a printing command is sent to the printer and starts printing since it is done let it dry properly for 5-7 minutes long.
This printing method is time taking and pocket-friendly.

3. Fusing Machine (PVC Card Machine through Teslin paper)
When it comes to printing a bulk ID card like for a corporate employee staff, students of a school or any big organization ask for a low-budget ID card. This card-making process needs a group of cards made at a time because there is a fixed slot as well as 10 cards, 20 cards, and 30 cards for each frequency of making cards,s, etc.
The good thing is you can produce a number of cards at a time. It takes much effort to produce but printing costs come very low.

Fusing PVC ID card-making process step by step
Let’s understand in a few easy steps.
Raw Materials: An Inkjet Printer | Plastic Fusing Machine | Teslin Sheet | PVC Card Dye Cutting Machine | Computer or Laptop Device | Plastic Sheet Cutter
Different Types of Smart Cards
There are different types of smart cards used in hotels known as key cards for security purposes, debit cards & credit cards for financial purposes, permanent account numbers, adhaar numbers, driving licenses used as identification cards, etc. All card materials and sizes are equal.
It may be a printing application and print durability different.
A thermal plastic id card printing machine is the fastest process that can print smart cards within 5-7 minutes. Even if it is chip, magstripe, contactless chip base plastic or plastic composite materials is able to print smartly up to 1200 DPI.
Publicly plastic smart cards are also known as (Aadhaar Cards, Election Identity Cards (EPIC), Pan Cards) vehicle registration certificates, financial (Credit Card, Debit Card), and Privileged Card. Stringent security smart cards are made chip-based. All smart card size lengths of 885mm x width 55 mm and thickness of 0.30mil made of polyvinyl chloride sheet.

Smart Aadhaar is easy to carry in a pocket.
People also search for Sublimation Printing Business
PVC Smart Card Printing and Its Validation
Smart PVC Id Card Printing is done digitally with a variable data printing application. Simply it is downloaded from the issuing authority through the linked mobile and printed onto it. Downloaded id card linked mobile is 100% valid if it comes to submitting to any organization as identity proof.
Scannable QR-printed smart cards made it easy to check authentication and its validation.
Types of Smart Cards
E-shram Card, EPIC Card, Aadhaar Card, Health Card, Pan Card, Employee Identity Card, Vehicle Registration Card, Club Member Card. Each card is made for a different purpose as well as proof of identification or electronic uses.

Plastic ID Printing Machine, Raw Material, and Printing Quality
PVC card material is very finished smooth surface printable HD quality image and flexible very hard to break. Smart cards are used for data considering likewise debit cards, credit, and RFID comes with an inbuilt chip and magstripe.
All types of PVC are printed digitally even it is single-sided or dual-sided. Each type of printing is waterproof and long-lasting.
Types of PVC Identity Card Making Method
There are two types of methods of making a PVC smart card
Different Types of Smart Cards
There are different types of smart cards used in hotels known as key cards for security purposes, debit cards & credit cards for financial purposes, permanent account numbers, aadhaar numbers, driving licenses used as identification cards, etc. All card materials and sizes are equal.
It may be a printing application and print durability different.
A thermal plastic id card printing machine is the fastest process that can print smart cards within 5-7 minutes. Even if it is chip, magstripe, contactless chip base plastic or plastic composite materials are able to print smartly up to 1200 DPI.
Publicly plastic smart cards are also known as (Aadhaar Cards, Election Identity Cards (EPIC), and Pan Cards) vehicle registration certificates, financial (Credit Card, Debit Card), and Privileged Card. Stringent security smart cards are made chip-based. All smart card size lengths of 885mm x width 55 mm and thickness of 0.30mil made of polyvinyl chloride sheet.

Smart Aadhaar is easy to carry in a pocket.
People also search for Sublimation Printing Business
PVC Smart Card Printing and Its Validation
Smart PVC Id Card Printing is done digitally with a variable data printing application. Simply it is downloaded from the issuing authority through the linked mobile and printed onto it. Downloaded id card linked mobile is 100% valid if it comes to submitting to any organization as identity proof.
Scannable QR-printed smart cards made it easy to check authentication and its validation.
Types of Smart Cards
E-shram Card, EPIC Card, Aadhaar Card, Health Card, Pan Card, Employee Identity Card, Vehicle Registration Card, Club Member Card. Each card is made for a different purpose as well as proof of identification or electronic uses.

Plastic ID Printing Machine, Raw Material, and Printing Quality
PVC card material is very finished smooth surface printable HD quality image and flexible very hard to break. Smart cards are used for data considering likewise debit cards, credit, and RFID comes with an inbuilt chip and magstripe.
All types of PVC are printed digitally even it is single-sided or dual-sided. Each type of printing is waterproof and long-lasting.
Types of PVC Identity Card Making Method
There are two types of methods of making a PVC smart car
Difference Between Thermal Transfer, Inkjet & Fused Id Card Printing Machines
Each type of plastic id card printing machine Here is a specified type of PVC card-making process, pros, and cons. So choose the best application for you.
- buy the best PVC blank cards 2. 5 best thermal printer 3. thermal printer ribbon 4. thermal pvc card printer vs inkjet pvc card printer
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How much does a plastic id card printing machine cost?
There are different types of plastic id card printing machines. when it comes to printing a thermal transfer PVC id card printing machine for both sides color printing machine costs around Rs.50k-150k.
Whereas an inkjet printer for plastic id card printing costs more than INR 25k.
How much does a blank plastic card cost?
Blank plastic cards cost around 8-10 rupees each. where magstripe or RFID cards cost rupees 10-12 rupees each on the purchase of 1000 numbers at a time.